Saturday, November 6, 2010

Events in the Bay Area in 2011

This is the list of ETF BAFA events in the Bay Area in 2011:More information about these events is available at ETF BAFA Calendar.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Announcement: Vice Presidents, Scholarship Awards Program

Ksenija Lakovic,Milutin Stanacevic and Nemanja Petrovic have been appointed Vice Presidents, Scholarship Award Program.

Ksenija, Milutin and Nemanja will define and manage the scholarship program that will award scholarships to ETF Belgrade students. The program will define the funding, application and the selection process as well as distribution of the scholarship awards.

It is our goal to launch the program in June 2011 and distribute the first round of scholarship awards in October 2011.

ETF BAFA Board of Directors

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Announcement: Vice President, Membership Services

Ana Lazic has been appointed Vice President, Membership Services, effective immediately.

She will be responsible for all membership services, and will lead our annual membership drive campaign. One of our goals is to expand our organization presence in the main urban centers across the US, and this will be one of the initiatives Ana will coordinate.

ETF BAFA Board of Directors

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Computers for Elementary School in Bosnia

ETF BAFA has successfully completed an initiative at the elementary school in Bosnia. Internet center at the Nikola Tesla Elementary School in Prnjavor, Bosnia has been funded with our donation. The center was inaugurated via Skype conference call today. Our members from UC Berkeley will continue to interact with kids in Prnjavor on a regular basis.

The event was reported in the local media.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Migration to Google ETF BAFA USA group

We will be migrating our etfbg-usa Yahoo group to the etf-bafa-usa Google group platform next week. The main reasons for this migration are:
  • Easier document sharing between the group and our blog.
  • Group management and support.
  • Support of Cyrillic alphabet.
  • RSS feeds.
An email invitation from ETF BAFA USA Google group will be sent to all members and friends with instructions how to subscribe.

Archive files will be migrated to the Google group next week.

2011 Membership Drive

We are currently running a promotion for all our associated members and friends to join our organization and become regular members and friends of our organization. All new members who pay their membership dues between now and January 1st 2011 will be included in our membership in 2010 and 2011.

For more information about our regular membership and how to subscribe, please visit our membership page.

ETF BAFA Annual Meeting 2013

You are invited to the ETF BAFA Annual Meeting which will be held in at St. Michael Church in Saratoga on December 14th, 2013, starting at 6:00 pm, with the following agenda:
  1. Board of Directors Annual Report
  2. Financial Report
  3. Student Scholarship and Awards
  4. Plan for 2014
  5. Q&A
Dinner will be served before the meeting. For members who contribute to the dinner with food donation, entrance is free, for additional guests and members who are not in a position to contribute with food donation recommended donation is $20.

ETF BAFA Board of Directors

Поштоване колегинице и колеге,

Годишња скупштина наше организације ETF BAFA USA ће се одржати у суботу, 14. децембра 2013. године, у 6 сати после подне у Саратоги у великој сали наше Цркве Св. Арханђела Михаила.

Пре почетка службеног дела ће бити послужена вечера, домаћи специјалитети, разне пите, торте и колачи. Пошто немамо могућност да користимо кухињу, молимо вас да понесете разна јела и слаткише за вечеру. У вашем одговору на овај позив, наведите шта планирате да донесете од хране или пића (имајте у виду да је пост). За оне који не могу да донесу нешто од хране и пића, улазница је $20 по особи.

Службени део скупштине почиње у седам сати увече, са следећим дневним редом:

Извештај управног одбора
Финансијски извештај
Студентске стипендије и награде
План акција за 2014. годину

Биће такође одржано кратко излагање на тему планова за изградњу фабрике чипова у Србији.

Управни одбор ЕТФ БАФА

Thursday, October 21, 2010

2010 Wine and Dine Fundraiser

You are all cordially invited to attend the annual ETF BAFA wine and dine fundraiser at South Beach Yacht Club in San Francisco, CA on October 23, 2010, starting at 6pm. On-street metered parking is available on The Embarcadero Street.

Admission is free for ETF BAFA members and their guests.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

ETF BAFA Purpose

The primary objectives and purposes of ETF BAFA are:

A. Charitable, educational and professional assistance to the ETF Belgrade alumni immigrating to this country, as well as all alumni, students and faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department (ETF) of the University in Belgrade, Serbia, and the Department itself.

B. Help in finding jobs, research exchange, the holding of lectures and meetings for the reading and discussion of professional papers, publication and circulation of professional literature and the collaboration with similar societies

C. To promote mutual acquaintance and fellowship among ETF alumni and friends in this country and students and faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department (ETF) in Belgrade, Serbia.

(from ETF BAFA Bylaws, article 2, purposes)

Qualification of Members

The qualifications for membership in this organization are as follows:
  1. Alumni of the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Belgrade (ETF Belgrade).
  2. Friends of the ETF Belgrade can be admitted as members upon a recommendation of an active member.
  3. Graduates of other engineering schools and colleges, who express the desire to be members of the ETF Belgrade Alumni and Friends Association
  4. Trusts, nonprofit organizations and legal entities can be admitted upon a recommendation of an active member.
Admission of Members

Applicants shall be admitted to membership upon the payment of initiation fee and the first annual dues, as specified in the following sections of the Bylaw.

Fees Dues and Assesments

(a) The initiation fee payable to the corporation by members shall be $20.00. The fee for the student members shall be $10.00.

(a) The annual dues payable to the corporation by members shall be $30.00. The annual dues for the student members shall be $15.00.

(b) Any increase in the fees or dues shall be announced to the membership no less than thirty (30) days prior to the date on which the increase becomes effective.

Termination of Membership

(a) Grounds for Termination. The membership of a member shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
(1) Upon his or her notice of such termination delivered to the President or Secretary of the corporation personally or by regular/electronic mail. Such membership to terminate upon the date of delivery of the notice, or date of deposit in the mail.

(2) Upon a determination by the Board of Directors that the member has engaged in conduct materially and seriously prejudicial to the interests or purposes of the corporation.

(3) If this corporation has provided for the payment of dues by members, upon a failure to renew his or her membership by paying dues on or before their due date, such termination to be effective thirty (30) days after a written notification of delinquency is given personally or mailed to such member by the Secretary of the corporation. A member may avoid such termination by paying the amount of delinquent dues within a thirty (30)-day period following the member's receipt of the written notification of delinquency.

(4) Upon member's death.
(b) Expulsion: Members may be expelled from the Corporation only upon a simple majority approval of the full Board of Directors.

(c) Responsibility for Charges: Termination of membership shall not relieve the member of responsibility for payment of accrued charges.

(from ETF BAFA Bylaws, article 6)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Iva Obradovic Fundraiser

At the recent fundraising event organized by "Friends of Cal Crew" (501-c-3 organization) Mita Postich, ETF-BAFA treasurer, has presented the donation of $3,300 that our organization has collected from its members, with a 1-1 matching from the organization itself.

The purpose of this donation is to support Iva Obradovic, student at UC Berkeley, for her participation at the World Rowing Championships in New Zealand, from October 31st to November 7th.

Iva has placed as high as 7th in the World, and continues to improve as she looks towards the 2012 Olympics in London. She was 11th at the Olympic games in Beijing.

One of ETF BAFA goals is to promote mutual acquaintance and fellowship among ETF alumni and friends in the US.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ETF BAFA Open Tennis Tournament

Dear members and friends,

ETF BAFA is inviting you and your family to participate in the doubles tennis tournament on September 18 at Gunn High School in Palo Alto - at noon. The address is: 780 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto CA, 94306.

This is a family event: Participants range from non-players to intermediate, including children - please bring everyone!

The format of this doubles tournament is chosen accordingly: each doubles match lasts for 10-15 minutes. We then record the match score for each player individually, shuffle players into new teams, and start over: play for another 10 minutes, and so on.This way, each time you will play with a different partner and against a different team for about 10-15 minutes. The tournament lasts up to 2 hours, including water-breaks and about 8 breaks (one after each and every match). You may bail out earlier, but usually nobody does - because it's fun! At the tournament end, for each and every participant we add score from all her/his 10-minute doubles matches, and call winners. Winners will receive a certificate and a special prize.

Check out the team picture from the event this year in May:

After the event, if you are interested to participate, we are organizing the social lunch at Chicago Pizza in Palo Alto. Transportation has been secured from Gunn High School parking lot restaurant and back, no need to move your car at all.

If you are a Facebook user, you may register for this event or share the invitation with your friends at ETF BAFA OPEN.

See you there!

Видимо се на тенису...

Your sincerely,
ETF BAFA Board of Directors

Monday, September 13, 2010

Професор Славољуб Цаја Марјановић

Са тугом смо примили вест да је прeминуо наш цењени професор Цаја.  У име нашег удружења у Сједињеним Америчким Државама, упућујемо искрено саучешће породици и колегама на Електротехничком факултету у Београду.

Генерације наших колега наставиће да се сећају Цаје, његових предавања, усменог испита из Електронике I и прича из ресторана „Домовина“. На ЕТФ-у се деценијама говорило да је потребан и довољан услов за добијање дипломе ЕТФ-а, положити Електронику I код Цаје.

Вредности које је професор Марјановић демонстрирао на својим предавањима, укључујући модерни приступ настави, повезаност факултета са привредом и високе критеријуме на испитима, схватали смо тек када смо годинама по завршетку студија и доласка у Америку постајали цењени инжењери, стручњаци, професори, председници компанија и пословни партнери у Силиконској долини и широм Америке. A oд Цаје смо научили нешто много важније од електронике, научили смо да се до великих резултата долази само дугорочним радом, и да се за све вредно у животу морате добро потрудити, и никада не смете одустати, ма колико циљ изгледао далек и недостижан.

Професор Цаја је био далеко испред свог временa, а људе који су испред свог времена потпуно разумете тек када њихово време дође.

Искрено саучешће породици професора Марјановића, професорима и студентима ЕТФ-а у Београду.

Студенти професора Марјановића из Америке
Силиконска долина, Калифорнија, 12.09.2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

ETF BAFA Election Results

ETF BAFA Board of Directors has approved the election results at its meeting on September 9. 2010 in San Ramon, CA. The Board has elected new executive officers in line with election results and the organization Bylaws. The new Board of Directors will have five executives:
  • Vladeta Marjanovic, President
  • Sveta Djurich, Secretary
  • Mita Postich, Treasurer
  • Aleksandar Veselinovic, Vice President
  • Milos Jorgovanovic, Vice President
The Board will present organization's plans at the annual meeting which will be held on October 23, 2010 at South Beach Yacht Club in San Francisco, CA.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Serbian Deputy PM And Minister of Science and Technological Development visits Silicon Valley

Mr. Bozidar Djelic, Deputy Prime Minister of Republic of Serbia and Minister of Science and Technological Development, visited Silicon Valley in June 2010. During his official visit ETF BAFA hosted the dinner in Palo Alto, and had quality time discussing the future of Serbia's information technology, education and science. Mr. Djelic also visited with our members and students at UC Berkley.