Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Резултати конкурса ЕТФ BAFA 2019. године

Честитамо победницима конкурса за најбоље дипломске радове ЕТФ-а у школској 2018/19 години!

Ана Ћупурдија
за рад чији је наслов
Пројектовање подсклопова Доплеровог радара-микроталасног мешача и Вилкинсоновог делитеља снаге,
ментор:  др  Слободан Савић, доцент
Ружица Цветановић
за рад чији је наслов
Простирање електромеханичких таласа у традиционалном електроенергетском систему,
ментор: др Слободан Вукосавић, редовни професор
Владимир Сивчев
за рад чији је наслов
Дизајн ИОТ система за аквизицију, надгледања и обавештавање паметних уређаја,
ментор: др  Милан Поњавић, ванредни професор
Марија Милутиновић
за рад чији је наслов
Препознавање статичких симбола знаковног језика применом конволуционих неуралних мрежа,
ментор: др  Предраг Тадић, доцент

Sunday, December 1, 2019

18th Annual ETF BAFA Gathering, Saturday, December 14 @ 12:30pm

ETF BAFA will have its 18th Annual Gathering on Saturday, December 14, from 12:30pm to 4pm, at room TH 331, Thornton Hall (next to main entrance on 3rd floor), San Francisco State University.

12:30pm to 4pm, Saturday, December 14, 2019

Room TH 331, Thornton Hall (next to the main entrance of Thornton Hall on 3rd floor)
SFSU - Thornton Hall
1600 Holloway Ave (19th Ave.)
San Francisco, CA 94132
San Francisco State University

12:30 - 1:30 pm     Social Hour
1:30 - 2:00 pm       Summary of ETF-BAFA accomplishments
2:00pm - 3:00pm   Guest Lecture
3:00pm - 4:00pm   Questions and Happy Hour

ETF-BAFA Members: Free (to become ETF-BAFA member go to http://etf-bafa.blogspot.com/p/membership.html)
General Admission: $30 ($20 if paid in advance at http://etf-bafa.blogspot.com/p/donations.html)
Students and children: Free

The closest parking is along 19th Ave from the Stonestown Mall to the Holloway Ave. and at SFSU campus parking. Parking at Stonestown Mall is for their customers only and if you park there you might get a hefty ticket.

Questions: etfbafa@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

ETF Belgrade alumnus Dejan Milojicic is an IEEE President Elect 2020 candidate

Our alumnus Dejan Milojicic is running for IEEE President this year. More info about the elections and Dejan's position can be found on Dejan's web site. We wish you a good luck and a strong support for your candidacy!

Dejan Milojicic Biography: I am a catalyst of change and a technical leader in systems software. I am currently a distinguished technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA (1998-). I worked at the OSF Research Institute in Cambridge, MA (1994-1998) and at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade, Serbia (1983-1991). I received my PhD from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (1993); and my MSc/BSc from Belgrade University, Serbia (1986/1983). I was a technical director of the Open Cirrus Cloud Computing Testbed (2007-2011), which had academic and industrial sites in the US, Europe, and Asia. I have published 2 books and over 180 papers; I have 37 granted patents and over 126 patent applications. I am an IEEE Fellow (2010), ACM Distinguished Engineer (2008), and USENIX member.

I was president of the IEEE Computer Society (2014) and on the IEEE Board (2017-2018). I started IEEE Computing Now and became its inaugural Editor-in-Chief, innovating content delivery through
mashups. I started three conferences (IEEE ASAP; ACM/USENIX WIESS; IEEE Infrastructure). I have been on many conference program committees and journal editorial boards. I spearheaded the Computer Society Report 2022, which was a technical underpinning for 2 Computer Society strategic plans. I co-invented Special Technical Communities, innovating organization of IEEE-CS members and contributors. I co-chaired the IEEE Confluence report (2017), an industry trend paper on Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence. I was chair of the IEEE industry engagement ad hoc committee (2015-’17), which culminated in a committee of IEEE, of which I am now the past chair and serving 2 year term (2018-’19).

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

2019 ETF BAFA PICNIC fundraiser at Huddart Park, Saturday May 11

We will hold our PICNIC fundraiser on Saturday, May 11th, 2019 at the Miwok Shelter, Huddart Park, 1100 Kings Mountain Road, Woodside CA, 94062, starting at noon.

Event fees: (All food and drinks are included in the event fee.)
  •  Adults (18 years+)
    •  members: $25 ($20 if payed online in advance)
    •  non-members: $30 ($25 if payed online in advance)
  •  Students - $10
  •  Kids - free
All income from the Picnic will go to the ETF BAFA Student Award and Scholarship Fund. Extra donations and annual memberships can be combined into a single payment. Please leave a comment when sending money via paypal.

As usual, we will serve Serbian-style barbecue, and homemade appetizers, salads and deserts. If you would like to contribute to the event with food or refreshment donations, please contact us at etfbafa@gmail.com

See you at the PICNIC!

ETF BAFA Board of Directors