Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Annual Meeting - Saturday, December 14th at 6pm

You are invited to the ETF BAFA Annual Meeting which will be held in at St. Michael Church in Saratoga on December 14th, 2013, starting at 6:00 pm, with the following agenda:
  1. Board of Directors Annual Report
  2. Financial Report
  3. Student Scholarship and Awards
  4. Plan for 2014
  5. Q&A
Dinner will be served before the meeting. For members who contribute to the dinner with food donation, entrance is free, for additional guests and members who are not in a position to contribute with food donation recommended donation is $20.

ETF BAFA Board of Directors

Поштоване колегинице и колеге,

Годишња скупштина наше организације ETF BAFA USA ће се одржати у суботу, 14. децембра 2013. године, у 6 сати после подне у Саратоги у великој сали наше Цркве Св. Арханђела Михаила.

Пре почетка службеног дела ће бити послужена вечера, домаћи специјалитети, разне пите, торте и колачи. Пошто немамо могућност да користимо кухињу, молимо вас да понесете разна јела и слаткише за вечеру. У вашем одговору на овај позив, наведите шта планирате да донесете од хране или пића (имајте у виду да је пост). За оне који не могу да донесу нешто од хране и пића, улазница је $20 по особи.

Службени део скупштине почиње у седам сати увече, са следећим дневним редом:

Извештај управног одбора
Финансијски извештај
Студентске стипендије и награде
План акција за 2014. годину

Биће такође одржано кратко излагање на тему планова за изградњу фабрике чипова у Србији.

Управни одбор ЕТФ БАФА

Friday, July 26, 2013

SLAVA on Sunday, August 4th 2013

You are all cordially invited to attend the annual ETF BAFA Slava at St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Saratoga on Sunday, August 4, 2013, starting at 12 pm. Parking is available on church's parking.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tennis Tournament - Saturday, June 1st, 2013 in Palo Alto, CA

ETF BAFA is inviting you and your family to participate in the doubles tennis tournament on Saturday, June 1st, 2013 at Cubberley Tennis Courts in Palo Alto - at noon. The address is: 4000 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto CA, 94306.

This is a family event: Participants range from non-players to intermediate, including children - please bring everyone!

The format of this doubles tournament is chosen accordingly: each doubles match lasts for 10-15 minutes. We then record the match score for each player individually, shuffle players into new teams, and start over: play for another 10 minutes, and so on.This way, each time you will play with a different partner and against a different team for about 10-15 minutes. The tournament lasts up to 2-3 hours, including water-breaks and about 8 breaks (one after each and every match). You may bail out earlier, but usually nobody does - because it's fun! At the tournament end, for each and every participant we add score from all her/his 10-minute doubles matches, and call winners. Winners will receive a certificate.

These are the participants from last year tournament that was organized at the same location.

Please RSVP to etfbafa@gmail.com so we can secure the right number of tennis courts for all of us.

See you there!

Видимо се на тенису...

Your sincerely,
ETF BAFA Board of Directors

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saling in San Francisco Bay on June 16th

Similar to previous years, we will be organizing a sailing trip in San Francisco Bay on Sunday, June 16th. We have 6 places on the boat, so please book early by sending your reservation to etfbafa@gmail.com. If you could not join us on the boat, consider joining us at Angel Island for a lunch. Ferry runs from Tiburon to Angel Island on a regular basis. Please note that due to the boat insurance requirements, kids have to be 12 years of age or older, in order to be allowed on the boat. 

Event details:

Group meets in front of South Beach Yacht Club in San Francisco at 10:00 am
Sailing to Angels Island
Lunch break at Angels Island
Sailing back to marina, trip ends between 6-7 pm

If interested, please email us etfbafa@gmail.com. Seats are limited, and will go on a first come first serve basis, with priority given to the members with current membership (annual membership dues paid for 2013).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In Memoriam: Dimitrije Mita Postic, ETF BAFA Treasurer, Board Member and Co-founder

Dimitrije Mita Postich, a resident of Portola Valley since 1972 and widowed since 2011, died peacefully on the 27th of April, 2013.  Dimitrije was born on the 15th of July, 1932 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia where he grew up, later attending the University of Belgrade where he earned his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering in Telecommunications and Electronics in 1957.  Dimitrije immigrated to the United States in 1959 at the age of 27 to join his mother, Mirjana, and father, Milivoj Postich.  In 1969 he met the love of his life, Zlata, they were married in 1971, built a home in Portola Valley and began a family.  He was and a loving father and grandfather, an brilliant scientist, avid private pilot since the early 1960s, president of the Saint John’s Serbian Orthodox Church Board, vice president of the Serbian National Defense, member of the First Serbian Benevolent Society, the “Dusan Silni” Historical Society, the Nicola Tesla Society, IEEE, AOPA, and a co-founder of the ETF BAFA - an engineering alumni foundation supporting education at the University of Belgrade.
Dimitrije is survived by his mother-in-law Vera Solovkov, sons Mark and George, daughter-in-law Jenny grandchildren, Natalia and Alexander, and Niece Angelique and Nephew Clarence.  His strong personality, charisma, and an ever inquisitive mind will be deeply missed.